A Machine Learning Series: For Noobs
By: Manas Reddy
This is the most accurate representation of any Machine Learning enthusiast. Little description, first off I failed my only Mathematics in my College, suck at calculus and cannot do Integration. Turns out all of these skills are “integral” No pun intended to solve any problem with Machine Learning. Now usually this is the time I go crying off to my Mom and seek some solace, but she proceeded to tell me,
“Can you please go buy some milk, we’re out” Thanks Mom? Super helpful
So I have decided I am going to embark on this journey on learning the core concepts and the reasoning behind some of these algorithms, and how they’re actually applied to solve some modern-day problems.
I have also decided to write an article every- day #manifesting assuming I don’t procrastinate, and yes, I know youtube is a better platform. But “bruhhh” have you ever been in front of a camera and spoken? Shit’s embarrassing. A lot of respect for YouTubers now.
Also, I am searching for a remote Data Analyst Job. Please let your friends and family know. Low-key borderline broke. (“The new iPhone’s supposed to come out :)”). It’s a joke, I am actually broke, like 3 dollars left broke. So help. If you think this is too informal for you, too bad. I believe learning and teaching should be fun, don’t wanna repeat high school. Expect a lot of memes, shitty jokes, and definitely pop culture references. Thanks and have a Great Day.